Gumbaynggirr led land management initiative, cultural fire practice and threatened and endangered species management

Gumbaynggirr cultural heritage management and protection

Business enterprise development, mentoring and governance support

Partnering in Private Land Conservation with non-Gumbaynggirr allies

Reconnecting Aboriginal people with country, culture and language

Cultural design for business policy, strategy and programming

Developing land based economies and solutions

We aim to foster healing from traumas and build resilience and determination within our people so that they can navigate the world grounded with cultural connection, strength and intelligence. We move together with shared dreams and action and through our journey we can begin to bring about generational change.
Objective 1
Establish a Gumbaynggirr Cultural Healing Centre
We will purpose build a cultural healing centre on country that focuses on programs that build self-awareness and a strong cultural identity clearing the way for personal, family and community development. Our programs will focus on spiritual, mental and physical health to bring about a mind, body and spiritual transformation amongst our community.
Year 2
Objective 2
Research, Develop and Implement Social and Community Programs that Support Our Gumbaynggirr Community Members
We will develop and implement various social and community programs that assist our people in their individual and collective healing processes. Our programs will provide for all members of our community and will be implemented with care and responsibility. Our programs will be strong in cultural knowledge and practice to benefit all participants.
Year 2
Objective 3
Establish a Gumbaynggirr Centre of Excellence
We will establish a Gumbaynggirr Centre of Excellence to facilitate and promote excellence amongst our community. We will support and build capacity of community members who demonstrate potential so to ensure we have a community base strong in education and skills to re-invest in the corporation and community in the future.
Year 5
Culture grounds our identity and worldview as Gumbaynggirr people. We must be in right relationship with Gumbaynggirr Country and respect the lore’s, language and responsibilities that come with being here. We are committed to our cultural responsibilities and to support our people and others to come into the right relationship and to realise their cultural responsibilities as well.
Objective 1
Conceptualise and Develop an All-age Group Cultural Learning Framework Complete with Various Learning Criteria and Materials
We will ensure that a cultural education learning framework and pathways are provided for community. It is our responsibility to ensure that everyone who lives and walks on Gumbaynggirr country understands this place, it’s stories, knowledges and respective responsibilities.
Year 1
Objective 2
Research, Develop and Implement Cultural Programs that Reinstate Gumbaynggirr Lore and Kinship
We will develop, promote and implement programs that reinvigorate, facilitate and instil Gumbaynggirr lore and kinship amongst our community leading to a strong cultural identity and understanding. This will lead to a permanent cultural shift changing the way we think, feel and act and in how we treat each other and our country.
Year 2
Objective 3
Promote, Protect and Practice Gumbaynggirr Cultural Knowledge and Language
We will continue to learn and teach our cultural knowledges re-establishing their practice. We will reinstate ceremonies, stories, song lines, camping grounds, walking trails and other sites of significance whilst speaking and sharing our first language. We will share our language, practices and learnings with other communities to bring about a broader movement of cultural change. We will protect our cultural knowledges and expressions to ensure their ongoing and future integrity as is our custodial responsibilities.
Year 1
We have watched country become sick and we are conscious of the climate chaos that is unfolding in the present. We acknowledge the crucial time in history we occupy and the threats of mass ecosystem collapse and species extinction. We firmly believe in the importance of our worldviews and management systems in ensuring the survival and sustainability of not only our people but all people and Country. We will seek to practice and restore Country and to advocate for Country in important dialogues and decision-making processes concerning Country, climate change and our people.
Objective 1
Establish a Gumbaynggirr Cultural (Land and Water) Regeneration Policy & Program(s)
We need to reconnect with country in order to understand what its need are now. For us to do this we need to reacquire lands and/or manage them, map and establish baseline data allowing us to develop tailored and appropriate management plans guided by cultural values and knowledges.
Year 2
Objective 2
Establish a Multi-Faceted Gumbaynggirr Ranger Program
We will establish a Land & Water regeneration (ranger program) to rejuvenate country, water ways, ecosystems and ocean. We understand the importance of Gumbaynggirr knowledge holders working on country and healing country not only on a physical level but also a spiritual level. It is also important for Country that we do this. We see country (land, sea and everything in-between) as always in relationship and as one synergistic cyclical system based on the principal of reciprocity.
Year 1
Objective 3
Promote and Participate in Legislative, Policy and Program Reforms that Protect and Sustain the Environment
We have a cultural responsible to ensure that our Country has a voice and that its voice is heard. It is therefore important that we advocate on behalf of country and ensure that there are legislative protections in place to protect and sustain our lands and waters. We understand that we cannot do this ourselves and that we need to partner with others that share our passion for protecting our lands and waters for future generations.
Year 3
We work with a strength-based approach. We work with intention focused on what inspires us and what our potential is. Our development work will be in alignment with our cultural values and our own defining models of success, this includes maintaining our cultural integrity and responsibility and becoming self-sufficient.
Objective 1
Strategically Acquire Gumbaynggirr Land for Our Community
We intend to strategically secure land and water for Gumbaynggirr people, whether it be land that is severely debilitated and requires rehabilitation or land that has a high cultural, social or economic value to the Gumbaynggirr people. Land and water are central to our culture and identity as we are central to the land and waters, being the knowledge holders with the crucial responsibility as custodians.
Year 1
Objective 2
Utilise Land Resources to Build a Self-Sustaining Community
Once secured we will utilise our land resources in a way that sustains our operations now and into the future so that future generations can benefit from the strong foundations that are laid. We will utilise our land resources strategically maximising the use to obtain maximum benefit across multiple programs. We will ensure that we have the right mix between cultural, social, environ-mental and economic programs so as to be self-sufficient and governing without the need for external interventions.
Year 3
Objective 3
Research and Develop Business Enterprise Options that Complement and Sustain Our Social Programs
We intend to operate several well researched business enterprises which are in alignment with our purpose, and which can successfully subsidise other cultural, community and social programs. We intend to play to our strengths and understand our current knowledge and skill limitations. It is our strategy to leverage off current systems and programs and to nurture and grow a new “Black Green” economy.
Year 2
Objective 4
Establish an NWAC Office Facility and ongoing staffing structure
We understand that in order to successfully operate a business we must have the appropriate amount of time and resources to make it a success. We therefore intend to secure an office facility to house staff and develop a staffing structure that is appropriate and sufficient to administer current and future programs.
Year 3